Warm spaghettini with Adamas Prestige selection and peppermint

Warm spaghettini with Adamas Prestige selection and peppermint

14 December 2023

We boil the spaghettini in salted water - just the most thin spaghetti it will be perfect for a delicate, measured flavour - and drain them well.
We whip them vigorously in a boule with plenty of Beurre d'Echirè flavoured with a few fresh mint leaves: the pasta will only take up the necessary butter while we let it warm up by stirring it. We roll the spaghetti and place a ball of Prestige Selection Black Label caviar in the centre. A fresh mint leaf adds a touch of freshness.
This dish should be served at room temperature but not cold!
Recipe by Stefano Caffarri

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